Nozzle Flanges Manufacturer

Specialized Nozzle Flanges Manufacturer, ASME B16.47 / ANSI B16.5 Nozzle Flange Dimensions, V Nozzle Flange

All pressure vessel must be furnished with nozzle flange and connections. The end of nozzles is to connect the pressure vessel with the rest of the process. The most typical practice to join Nozzle Flanges and Pipelines are to use standard flange, this ensure perfect match at assembly and construction stages. To attach a nozzle in a pressure vessel, it’s necessary to make a hole in the shell or head body in question. When making this hole, an area of the vessel is being “ taken away”, thus stress paths are going to divert parenthetically to the hole. Therefore, we must “ substitute” the removed area by adding underpinning within the limits. It should be noted that installing nozzle flange in pressure vessel involve geometric discontinuity that must be taken into accounts in calculations. Accordingly, every system that could be applied to reduce being stresses is welcome. One of the most generally used methods consists in removing stress concentrates by means of rounding sharp edges. This publication discusses about flanges nozzles that are more susceptible to fluid leakage than welded nozzles. A flanges nozzle consists of the three main elements flange, neck and reinforcement.

The Variables Body Type V1, V2, and V3 Neck, V Nozzle flanges connections add another reinforcement beyond that of Transitional V1, V2 & V3 connection options. The “ V” has a barrel wall density equal to the outside radius of the mating flange. These particulars are made to order and can be supplied with lengths of any size to supply the offset demanded. These connections are always supplied with “ Nut Stop” unless “ Nut Relief” are requested. The inside radius of these connections for 12” and below are supplied with a S 80 pipe size bores, 14” and large HB Connections are offered with a snooze equal to the nominal pipe size.

Nozzle D series full Cone nozzle flange with wide passage X vane offer full choice of spray angles, capacities ranging from 0.74 and 1420 l / min and connections from 1/8 ″ to 4 ″. In nonstop casting cooling and other specific applications, they’re used scattering upwards and operate at veritably high temperatures. The X-vane is safely locked into place for all confines up to 3/8 ″, to avoid it escaping from the nozzle body in case of size changes due to temperature variations, and allows the nozzle to be installed at any desired exposure.

Nozzle Flanges Manufacturer
Nozzle Flanges Manufacturer in Mumbai, India
Nozzle Flanges Supplier
Nozzle Flanges Supplier in Mumbai, India

We are ISO Certified Manufacturer and Stockist of Nozzle Flanges in Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, Mild Steel, Alloy Steel, Duplex Steel, Super Duplex Steel, Hastelloy, Monel, Copper Nickel, Inconel, Incoloy, Nickel Alloy, Alloy 20, 254 Smo, Titaniun, Bronze, Aluminium, Brass at Reasonable Price.

We are Leading Exporter and Supplier of ASME/ANSI B16.5, ASME/ANSI B16.47 Nozzle Flanges, Flange Nozzle Fitting, Bolted Nozzle Flange, Nozzle Blind Flange, Nozzle Flange Class, Nozzle Flange C10 Din 2632, Forged Nozzle Flange, Standard Nozzle Flange, Pipe Nozzle With Flange, Flange Welding Nozzle, 300# Nozzle Flange.

Nozzle Flange Standard Specifications

ASME B16.5 / JPI 1/2″ ~24″ #150 ~ #2500
ASME B16.47 (MSS-PP-44) ( API 605 ) 12″ ~ 60″ #150 ~ #900
ASME B16.36 26″ ~ 60″ #75 ~ #900
AWWA C207 1″ ~ 24″ #300 ~ #2500
EN1092-1 / BS4504 / DIN 4″ ~ 144″ #150 ~ #2500
API 6A / 6BX DN10 ~ DN4000 PN2.5 ~ PN100
BS 3293 26″ ~ 48″ #150 ~ #600
TAYLOR FLANGE 26″ ~ 96″ #125 ~ #350
JIS B2220 / KS B1503 10A ~ 1500A 5K ~ 30k

Nozzle Flange Standard Dimensions

ASME/ANSI B16.5 Class 150 Variable Body Type V1, V2, V3 Necks – V Nozzle RF
NPS O K E A1 A2 A3 B t NR NL L W n I A1 kg/pc A2 kg/pc A3 kg/pc
1 108 50.8 1.6 69.9 82.6 101.6 25.7 14.2 50.8 19.1 228.6 79.2 4 15.7 6.4 8.9 13.6
1.5 127 73.2 1.6 82.6 101.6 117.3 38.1 17.5 66.5 19.1 228.6 98.6 4 15.7 8.4 12.9 17.4
2 152 91.9 1.6 101.6 117.3 139.7 50.8 19.1 77.7 22.4 228.6 120.7 4 19.1 12.1 16.6 24.0
2.5 178 104.6 1.6 117.3 146.1 152.4 63.5 22.4 95.3 22.4 228.6 139.7 4 19.1 15.8 25.4 27.8
3 191 127.0 1.6 146.1 152.4 162.1 76.2 23.9 108.0 22.4 228.6 152.4 4 19.1 23.7 26.1 30.0
3.5 216 139.7 1.6 162.1 177.8 196.9 88.9 23.9 124.0 22.4 228.6 177.8 8 19.1 28.2 35.0 44.0
4 229 157.2 1.6 177.8 196.9 209.6 101.6 23.9 139.7 22.4 304.8 190.5 8 19.1 42.4 54.8 63.7
5 254 185.7 1.6 196.9 209.6 225.6 127.0 23.9 165.1 25.4 304.8 215.9 8 22.4 45.5 54.4 66.5
6 279 215.9 1.6 225.6 251.0 263.7 152.4 25.4 196.9 25.4 304.8 241.3 8 22.4 55.3 76.2 87.5
8 343 269.7 1.6 279.4 292.1 307.8 203.2 28.4 247.7 25.4 304.8 298.5 8 22.4 75.0 87.4 103.5
10 406 323.9 1.6 342.9 362.0 384.0 254.0 30.2 304.8 28.4 304.8 362.0 12 25.4 106.6 129.4 157.3
12 483 381.0 1.6 412.8 441.5 463.6 304.8 31.8 365.3 28.4 304.8 431.8 12 25.4 155.7 197.0 230.7
14 533 421.8 1.6 463.6 492.3 511.0 355.6 35.1 406.4 31.8 304.8 476.3 12 28.4 178.2 223.9 255.3
16 597 469.9 1.6 511.0 533.4 565.2 406.4 36.6 457.2 31.8 304.8 539.8 16 28.4 197.9 236.6 294.3
18 635 533.4 1.6 565.2 590.6 612.6 457.2 39.6 508.0 35.1 304.8 577.9 16 31.8 223.1 271.1 314.6
20 699 584.2 1.6 612.6 635.0 666.8 508.0 42.9 558.8 35.1 304.8 635.0 20 31.8 243.9 289.0 355.8
24 813 692.2 1.6 704.9 743.0 781.1 609.6 47.8 666.8 38.1 304.8 749.3 20 35.1 275.1 362.5 454.6
ASME/ANSI B16.5 Class 300 Variable Body Type V1, V2, V3 Necks – V Nozzle RF
NPS O K E A1 A2 A3 B t NR NL L W n I A1 kg/pc A2 kg/pc A3 kg/pc
1.5 155 73.2 1.6 101.6 117.3 139.7 38.1 20.6 69.9 25.4 228.6 114.3 4 22.4 13.8 18.3 25.6
2 165 91.9 1.6 117.3 139.7 152.4 50.8 22.4 84.1 22.4 228.6 127.0 8 19.1 17.1 24.4 29.1
2.5 191 104.6 1.6 146.1 152.4 162.1 63.5 25.4 100.1 25.4 228.6 149.4 8 22.4 25.9 28.3 32.1
3 210 127.0 1.6 152.4 162.1 177.8 76.2 28.4 117.3 25.4 228.6 168.1 8 22.4 27.3 31.0 37.6
3.5 229 139.7 1.6 177.8 196.9 209.6 88.9 30.2 138.4 25.4 228.6 184.2 8 22.4 36.3 45.0 51.3
4 254 157.2 1.6 177.8 196.9 225.6 101.6 31.8 146.1 25.4 304.8 200.2 8 22.4 45.4 57.4 77.8
5 279 185.7 1.6 209.6 225.6 251.0 127.0 35.1 177.8 25.4 304.8 235.0 8 22.4 58.3 69.9 90.1
6 318 215.9 1.6 251.0 263.7 279.4 152.4 36.6 206.2 25.4 304.8 269.7 12 22.4 81.5 92.3 106.5
8 381 269.7 1.6 307.8 342.9 362.0 203.2 41.1 260.4 28.4 304.8 330.2 12 25.4 110.8 147.9 169.7
10 445 323.9 1.6 362.0 384.0 412.8 254.0 47.8 320.5 31.8 304.8 387.4 16 28.4 140.2 166.4 202.6
12 521 381.0 1.6 412.8 441.5 463.6 304.8 50.8 374.7 35.1 304.8 450.9 16 31.8 171.2 209.6 241.0
14 584 412.8 1.6 492.3 511.0 565.2 355.6 53.8 425.5 35.1 304.8 514.4 20 31.8 242.5 271.7 361.8
16 648 469.9 1.6 565.2 590.6 612.6 406.4 57.2 482.6 38.1 304.8 571.5 20 35.1 315.1 360.0 400.6
18 711 533.4 1.6 612.6 638.0 679.5 457.2 60.5 533.4 38.1 304.8 628.7 24 35.1 348.4 396.3 478.5
20 775 584.2 1.6 679.5 704.9 743.0 508.0 63.5 587.2 38.1 304.8 685.8 24 35.1 423.5 475.8 557.9
24 914 692.2 1.6 781.1 812.8 853.9 609.6 69.9 701.5 44.5 304.8 812.8 24 41.1 525.0 598.3 697.7
ASME/ANSI B16.5 Class 600 Variable Body Type V1, V2, V3 Necks – V Nozzle RF
NPS O K E A1 A2 A3 B t NR NL L W A1 kg/pc A2 kg/pc A3 kg/pc
1 124 50.8 6.4 82.6 101.6 117.6 25.4 17.5 53.8 22.4 228.6 88.9 9.5 14.1 18.7
1.5 155 73.2 6.4 101.6 117.3 139.7 38.1 22.4 69.9 25.4 228.6 114.3 14.3 18.7 26.0
2 165 91.9 6.4 117.3 139.7 152.4 50.8 25.4 84.1 22.4 228.6 127.0 17.7 24.9 29.5
2.5 191 104.6 6.4 146.1 162.1 177.8 63.5 28.4 100.1 25.4 228.6 149.4 26.6 32.7 39.3
3 210 127.0 6.4 162.1 177.8 196.9 76.2 31.8 117.3 25.4 228.6 168.1 32.0 38.5 47.1
3.5 229 139.7 6.4 177.8 196.9 209.6 88.9 35.1 133.4 28.4 228.6 184.2 37.3 45.8 52.0
4 273 157.2 6.4 196.9 225.6 251.0 101.6 38.1 152.4 28.4 304.8 215.9 61.2 81.2 101.1
5 330 185.7 6.4 251.0 279.4 307.8 127.0 44.5 189 31.8 304.8 266.7 99.7 123.9 150.7
6 356 215.9 6.4 279.4 307.8 336.6 152.4 47.8 222.3 31.8 304.8 292.1 115.5 142.0 171.4
8 419 269.7 6.4 336.6 384.0 406.4 203.2 55.6 273.1 35.1 304.8 349.3 153.8 206.4 233.6
10 508 323.9 6.4 412.8 441.5 463.6 254.0 63.5 342.9 38.1 304.8 431.8 227.3 263.8 293.6
12 559 381.0 6.4 463.6 492.3 511.0 304.8 66.5 400.1 38.1 304.8 489.0 261.4 301.7 329.4
14 603 412.8 6.4 492.3 511.0 565.2 355.6 69.9 431.8 41.1 304.8 527.1 259.4 286.7 371.1
16 686 469.9 6.4 590.6 612.6 635.0 406.4 76.2 495.3 44.5 304.8 603.3 388.8 426.3 465.7
18 743 574.6 6.4 612.6 666.8 704.9 457.2 82.6 546.1 47.8 304.8 654.1 387.4 482.3 553.9
20 813 584.2 6.4 704.9 743.0 781.1 508.0 88.9 609.6 47.8 304.8 723.9 516.2 589.7 667.1
24 940 692.2 6.4 781.1 812.8 853.9 609.6 101.6 717.6 53.8 304.8 838.2 585.3 648.7 734.7
ASME/ANSI B16.5 Class 900 Variable Body Type V1, V2, V3 Necks – V Nozzle RF
NPS O K E A1 A2 A3 B t NR NL L W A1 kg/pc A2 kg/pc A3 kg/pc
1 149.3 50.8 6.4 82.6 101.6 117.3 25.4 28.4 52.3 28.4 228.6 101.6 11.0 15.4 19.6
1.5 177.8 73.2 6.4 101.6 139.7 152.4 38.1 31.7 69.9 31.8 228.6 123.9 16.2 27.4 31.9
2 215.9 91.9 6.4 139.7 152.4 177.8 50.8 38.1 104.6 28.4 228.6 165.1 29.3 33.6 43.5
2.5 244.3 104.6 6.4 162.1 177.8 209.6 63.5 41.1 124.0 31.8 304.8 190.5 48.9 57.6 77.6
3 241.3 127.0 6.4 177.8 196.9 209.6 76.2 38.1 127.0 28.4 228.6 190.5 41.8 50.2 56.3
4 292.1 157.2 6.4 225.6 251.0 263.7 101.6 44.5 158.8 35.1 304.8 234.9 84.1 103.5 114.0
5 349.2 185.7 6.4 263.7 279.4 307.8 127.0 50.8 190.5 38.1 304.8 279.4 114.5 127.9 154.1
6 381.0 215.9 6.4 279.4 307.8 342.9 152.4 55.6 235.0 35.1 304.8 317.0 122.9 148.6 183.7
8 469.9 269.7 6.4 384.0 412.8 441.5 203.2 63.5 298.5 41.1 304.8 393.7 222.9 256.9 293.4
10 546.1 323.9 6.4 441.5 463.6 511.0 254.0 69.9 368.3 41.1 304.8 469.9 281.3 310.3 377.4
12 609.6 381.0 6.4 511.0 565.2 590.6 304.8 79.3 419.1 41.1 304.8 533.4 358.3 439.3 480.2
14 641.3 412.8 6.4 565.2 590.6 612.6 355.6 85.8 450.9 44.5 304.8 558.8 395.3 435.0 470.9
16 704.8 469.9 6.4 590.6 635.0 673.1 406.4 88.9 508.0 47.8 304.8 615.9 407.0 479.6 545.9
18 787.4 533.4 6.4 660.4 704.9 743.0 457.2 101.6 565.2 53.8 304.8 685.8 512.9 589.0 658.2
20 857.2 584.2 6.4 704.9 781.1 812.8 508.0 107.9 622.3 57.2 304.8 749.3 572.2 709.7 771.2
24 1041.4 692.2 6.4 853.9 889.0 914.4 609.6 139.7 749.3 69.9 304.8 901.7 906.6 968.9 1015.5
ASME/ANSI B16.5 Class 1500 Variable Body Type V1, V2, V3 Necks – V Nozzle RF
NPS O K E A1 A2 A3 B t NR NL L W A1 kg/pc A2 kg/pc A3 kg/pc
1 149.3 50.8 6.4 82.6 101.6 117.3 25.4 28.4 52.3 28.4 228.6 101.6 11.0 15.4 19.6
1.5 177.8 73.2 6.4 117.3 139.7 152.4 38.1 31.7 69.9 31.8 228.6 123.9 20.4 27.4 31.9
2 215.9 91.9 6.4 139.7 152.4 177.8 50.8 38.1 104.6 28.4 228.6 165.1 29.3 33.6 43.5
2.5 244.3 104.6 6.4 162.1 177.8 209.6 63.5 41.1 124.0 31.8 304.8 190.5 48.9 57.6 77.6
3 266.7 127.0 6.4 177.8 196.9 225.6 76.2 47.7 133.4 35.1 304.8 203.2 58.2 69.5 88.8
4 374.6 185.7 6.4 225.6 251.0 279.4 101.6 73.2 162.1 38.1 304.8 292.1 111.5 128.8 150.3
5 393.7 215.9 6.4 263.7 307.8 342.9 127.0 82.5 196.9 44.5 304.8 317.5 136.2 170.9 202.2
6 482.6 269.7 6.4 307.8 342.9 362.0 152.4 91.9 228.6 41.1 304.8 393.7 201.4 231.4 249.0
8 584.2 323.9 6.4 384.0 412.8 441.5 203.2 107.9 292.1 47.8 304.8 482.6 310.6 338.4 368.2
10 673.1 381.0 6.4 441.5 511.0 565.2 254.0 123.9 368.3 53.8 406.4 571.5 492.0 607.6 709.0
12 749.3 412.8 6.4 565.2 590.6 612.6 304.8 133.3 450.9 57.2 406.4 635.0 722.0 771.4 816.2
14 825.5 469.9 6.4 590.6 635.0 704.9 355.6 146.0 495.3 63.5 _ 704.8 _ _ _
16 914.4 533.4 6.4 666.8 743.0 781.1 406.4 162.0 552.5 69.9 _ 774.7 _ _ _
18 984.2 584.2 6.4 704.9 781.1 853.9 457.2 177.8 596.9 76.2 _ 831.8 _ _ _
20 984.2 673.1 6.4 781.1 838.2 914.4 508.0 177.8 641.4 82.6 _ 831.8 _ _ _
24 1168.4 692.2 6.4 914.4 952.5 1028.7 609.6 203.2 762.0 95.3 _ 990.6 _ _ _
ASME/ANSI B16.5 Class 2500 Variable Body Type V1, V2, V3 Necks – V Nozzle RF
NPS O K E A1 A2 A3 B t NR NL L W n I A1 kg/pc A2 kg/pc A3 kg/pc
1 158.8 50.8 6.4 101.6 117.3 139.7 25.4 35.1 57.2 28.4 228.6 108.0 4 25.4 16.4 20.5 27.4
1.5 203.2 73.2 6.4 139.7 152.4 177.8 38.1 44.5 79.2 35.1 228.6 146.1 4 31.8 30.5 34.7 44.2
2 235.0 91.9 6.4 152.4 177.8 203.2 50.8 50.8 95.3 31.8 228.6 171.5 8 28.4 37.4 46.6 57.2
2.5 266.7 104.6 6.4 177.8 196.9 225.6 63.5 57.2 114.3 35.1 228.6 196.9 8 31.8 50.3 57.8 70.6
3 304.8 127.0 6.4 209.6 251.0 279.4 76.2 66.6 133.4 38.1 228.6 228.6 8 35.1 70.2 89.3 104.4
4 355.6 157.2 6.4 251.0 279.4 307.8 101.6 76.2 165.1 44.5 304.8 273.1 8 41.1 123.1 144.4 167.9
5 419.1 185.7 6.4 279.4 342.9 387.4 127.0 91.9 203.2 50.8 304.8 323.9 8 47.9 162.1 214.0 256.7
6 482.6 215.9 6.4 342.9 384.0 441.5 152.4 108.0 235.0 57.2 304.8 368.3 8 53.8 239.8 276.1 333.6
8 552.5 269.7 6.4 384.0 463.6 511.0 203.2 127.0 304.8 57.2 304.8 438.2 12 53.8 297.4 371.3 422.1
10 673.1 323.9 6.4 511.0 565.2 612.6 254.0 165.1 374.7 69.9 304.8 539.8 12 66.6 512.8 562.9 611.2
12 762.0 381.0 6.4 565.2 635.0 704.9 304.8 184.2 441.5 76.2 304.8 619.3 12 73.2 651.9 714.3 783.9
ASME/ANSI B16.5 Class 600 Variable Body Type V1, V2, V3 Necks – V Nozzle RTJ
NPS O K E A1 A2 A3 B t NR NL L P F R G.N. W n I A1 kg/pc A2 kg/pc A3 kg/pc
1 124 70.0 6.35 82.6 101.6 117.6 25.4 17.5 53.8 22.4 228.6 50.80 8.74 0.8 R16 88.9 4 19.1 9.6 14.2 18.8
1.5 155 90.5 6.35 101.6 117.3 139.7 38.1 22.4 69.9 25.4 228.6 68.27 8.74 0.8 R20 114.3 4 22.4 14.4 18.8 26.1
2 165 108.0 6.35 117.3 139.7 152.4 50.8 25.4 84.1 22.4 228.6 82.55 11.91 0.8 R23 127.0 8 19.1 17.8 25.0 29.6
2.5 191 127.0 7.92 146.1 162.1 177.8 63.5 28.4 100.1 25.4 228.6 101.60 11.91 0.8 R26 149.4 8 22.4 26.9 33.0 39.6
3 210 146.0 7.92 162.1 177.8 196.9 76.2 31.8 117.3 25.4 228.6 123.83 11.91 0.8 R31 168.1 8 22.4 32.3 38.8 47.5
3.5 229 159.0 7.92 177.8 196.9 209.6 88.9 35.1 133.4 28.4 228.6 131.78 11.91 0.8 R34 184.2 8 25.4 37.7 46.2 52.4
4 273 175.0 7.92 196.9 225.6 251.0 101.6 38.1 152.4 28.4 304.8 149.23 11.91 0.8 R37 215.9 8 25.4 61.7 81.6 101.5
5 330 210.0 7.92 251.0 279.4 307.8 127.0 44.5 189 31.8 304.8 180.98 11.91 0.8 R41 266.7 8 28.4 100.3 124.5 151.4
6 356 241.0 7.92 279.4 307.8 336.6 152.4 47.8 222.3 31.8 304.8 211.12 11.91 0.8 R45 292.1 12 28.4 116.3 142.8 172.2
8 419 302.0 7.92 336.6 384.0 406.4 203.2 55.6 273.1 35.1 304.8 269.88 11.91 0.8 R49 349.3 12 31.8 155.0 207.6 234.8
10 508 356.0 7.92 412.8 441.5 463.6 254.0 63.5 342.9 38.1 304.8 323.85 11.91 0.8 R53 431.8 16 35.1 228.7 265.2 295.0
12 559 413.0 7.92 463.6 492.3 511.0 304.8 66.5 400.1 38.1 304.8 381.00 11.91 0.8 R57 489.0 20 35.1 263.1 303.5 331.2
14 603 457.0 7.92 492.3 511.0 565.2 355.6 69.9 431.8 41.1 304.8 419.10 11.91 0.8 R61 527.1 20 38.1 261.7 289.0 373.4
16 686 508.0 7.92 590.6 612.6 635.0 406.4 76.2 495.3 44.5 304.8 469.90 11.91 0.8 R65 603.3 20 41.1 391.2 428.7 468.0
18 743 575.0 7.92 612.6 666.8 704.9 457.2 82.6 546.1 47.8 304.8 533.40 11.91 0.8 R69 654.1 20 44.5 388.6 483.5 555.1
20 813 635.0 9.53 704.9 743.0 781.1 508.0 88.9 609.6 47.8 304.8 584.20 13.49 1.5 R73 723.9 24 44.5 521.5 595.0 672.3
24 940 749.0 11.13 781.1 812.8 853.9 609.6 101.6 717.6 53.8 304.8 692.15 16.66 1.5 R77 838.2 24 50.8 594.1 657.5 743.5
ASME/ANSI B16.5 Class 900 Variable Body Type V1, V2, V3 Necks – V Nozzle RTJ
NPS O K E A1 A2 A3 B t NR NL L P F R G.N. W n I A1 kg/pc A2 kg/pc A3 kg/pc
1 149.3 71.5 6.35 82.6 101.6 117.3 25.4 28.4 52.3 28.4 228.6 50.80 8.74 0.8 R16 101.6 4 25.4 11.1 15.5 19.7
1.5 177.8 92.0 6.35 101.6 139.7 152.4 38.1 31.7 69.9 31.8 228.6 68.27 8.74 0.8 R20 123.9 4 28.4 16.3 27.5 32.0
2 215.9 124.0 6.35 139.7 152.4 177.8 50.8 38.1 104.6 28.4 228.6 95.25 11.91 0.8 R24 165.1 8 25.4 29.5 33.9 43.8
2.5 244.3 137.0 7.92 162.1 177.8 209.6 63.5 41.1 124.0 31.8 304.8 107.95 11.91 0.8 R27 190.5 8 28.4 49.4 58.1 78.1
3 241.3 156.0 7.92 177.8 196.9 209.6 76.2 38.1 127.0 28.4 228.6 123.83 11.91 0.8 R31 190.5 8 25.4 42.3 50.7 56.8
4 292.1 181.0 7.92 225.6 251.0 263.7 101.6 44.5 158.8 35.1 304.8 149.23 11.91 0.8 R37 234.9 8 31.7 84.6 104.0 114.5
5 349.2 216.0 7.92 263.7 279.4 307.8 127.0 50.8 190.5 38.1 304.8 180.98 11.91 0.8 R41 279.4 8 35.0 115.2 128.6 154.8
6 381.0 241.0 7.92 279.4 307.8 342.9 152.4 55.6 235.0 35.1 304.8 211.12 11.91 0.8 R45 317.0 12 31.7 123.7 149.4 184.5
8 469.9 308.0 7.92 384.0 412.8 441.5 203.2 63.5 298.5 41.1 304.8 269.88 11.91 0.8 R49 393.7 12 38.1 224.2 258.3 294.8
10 546.1 362.0 7.92 441.5 463.6 511.0 254.0 69.9 368.3 41.1 304.8 323.85 11.91 0.8 R53 469.9 16 38.1 282.9 311.9 379.0
12 609.6 429.0 7.92 511.0 565.2 590.6 304.8 79.3 419.1 41.1 304.8 381.00 11.91 0.8 R57 533.4 20 38.1 360.7 441.7 482.6
14 641.3 467.0 11.13 565.2 590.6 612.6 355.6 85.8 450.9 44.5 304.8 419.10 16.66 1.5 R62 558.8 20 41.1 399.9 439.6 475.5
16 704.8 524.0 11.13 590.6 635.0 673.1 406.4 88.9 508.0 47.8 304.8 469.90 16.66 1.5 R66 615.9 20 44.4 412.3 484.9 551.3
18 787.4 594.0 12.70 660.4 704.9 743.0 457.2 101.6 565.2 53.8 304.8 533.40 19.84 1.5 R70 685.8 20 50.8 521.3 597.3 666.5
20 857.2 648.0 12.70 704.9 781.1 812.8 508.0 107.9 622.3 57.2 304.8 584.20 19.84 1.5 R74 749.3 20 53.8 581.6 719.1 780.6
24 1041.4 772.0 15.88 853.9 889.0 914.4 609.6 139.7 749.3 69.9 304.8 692.15 26.97 2.4 R78 901.7 20 66.6 924.4 986.6 1033.3
ASME/ANSI B16.5 Class 1500 Variable Body Type V1, V2, V3 Necks – V Nozzle RTJ
NPS O K E A1 A2 A3 B t NR NL L P F R G.N. W n I A1 kg/pc A2 kg/pc A3 kg/pc
1 149.3 71.5 6.35 82.6 101.6 117.3 25.4 28.4 52.3 28.4 228.6 50.80 8.74 0.8 R16 101.6 4 25.4 11.1 15.5 19.7
1.5 177.8 92.0 6.35 117.3 139.7 152.4 38.1 31.7 69.9 31.8 228.6 68.27 8.74 0.8 R20 123.9 4 28.4 20.5 27.5 32.0
2 215.9 124.0 6.35 139.7 152.4 177.8 50.8 38.1 104.6 28.4 228.6 95.25 11.91 0.8 R24 165.1 8 25.4 29.5 33.9 43.8
2.5 244.3 137.0 7.92 162.1 177.8 209.6 63.5 41.1 124.0 31.8 304.8 107.95 11.91 0.8 R27 190.5 8 28.4 49.4 58.1 78.1
3 266.7 168.0 7.92 177.8 196.9 225.6 76.2 47.7 133.4 35.1 304.8 136.53 11.91 0.8 R35 203.2 8 31.7 58.9 70.2 89.4
4 374.6 194.0 7.92 225.6 251.0 279.4 101.6 73.2 162.1 38.1 304.8 161.93 11.91 0.8 R39 292.1 8 41.1 111.9 129.2 150.7
5 393.7 229.0 7.92 263.7 307.8 342.9 127.0 82.5 196.9 44.5 304.8 193.68 11.91 0.8 R44 317.5 12 38.1 136.8 171.5 202.7
6 482.6 248.0 9.53 307.8 342.9 362.0 152.4 91.9 228.6 41.1 304.8 211.14 13.49 1.5 R46 393.7 12 44.4 201.7 231.7 249.3
8 584.2 318.0 11.13 384.0 412.8 441.5 203.2 107.9 292.1 47.8 304.8 269.88 16.66 1.5 R50 482.6 12 50.8 312.2 340.0 369.8
10 673.1 371.0 11.13 441.5 511.0 565.2 254.0 123.9 368.3 53.8 406.4 323.85 16.66 1.5 R54 571.5 16 53.8 493.9 609.4 710.9
12 749.3 438.0 14.27 565.2 590.6 612.6 304.8 133.3 450.9 57.2 406.4 381.00 23.01 1.5 R58 635.0 16 60.5 727.6 777.1 821.9
14 825.5 489.0 15.88 590.6 635.0 704.9 355.6 146.0 495.3 63.5 _ 419.10 26.97 2.4 R63 704.8 16 66.6 _ _ _
16 914.4 546.0 17.48 666.8 743.0 781.1 406.4 162.0 552.5 69.9 _ 469.90 30.18 2.4 R67 774.7 16 73.2 _ _ _
18 984.2 613.0 17.48 704.9 781.1 853.9 457.2 177.8 596.9 76.2 _ 533.40 30.18 2.4 R71 831.8 16 79.3 _ _ _
20 984.2 673.0 17.48 781.1 838.2 914.4 508.0 177.8 641.4 82.6 _ 584.20 33.32 2.4 R75 831.8 16 79.3 _ _ _
24 1168.4 794.0 20.62 914.4 952.5 1028.7 609.6 203.2 762.0 95.3 _ 692.15 36.53 2.4 R79 990.6 16 91.9 _ _ _
ASME/ANSI B16.5 Class 2500 Variable Body Type V1, V2, V3 Necks – V Nozzle RTJ
NPS O K E A1 A2 A3 B t NR NL L P F R G.N. W n I A1 kg/pc A2 kg/pc A3 kg/pc
1 158.8 82.5 6.35 101.6 117.3 139.7 25.4 35.1 57.2 28.4 228.6 60.33 8.74 0.8 R18 108.0 4 25.4 16.6 20.7 27.5
1.5 203.2 114.0 7.92 139.7 152.4 177.8 38.1 44.5 79.2 35.1 228.6 82.55 11.91 0.8 R23 146.1 4 31.8 30.9 35.1 44.7
2 235.0 133.0 7.92 152.4 177.8 203.2 50.8 50.8 95.3 31.8 228.6 101.60 11.91 0.8 R26 171.5 8 28.4 37.9 47.1 57.7
2.5 266.7 149.0 9.53 177.8 196.9 225.6 63.5 57.2 114.3 35.1 228.6 111.13 13.49 0.8 R28 196.9 8 31.8 51.1 58.6 71.4
3 304.8 168.0 9.53 209.6 251.0 279.4 76.2 66.6 133.4 38.1 228.6 127.00 13.49 1.5 R32 228.6 8 35.1 71.1 90.2 105.3
4 355.6 203.0 11.13 251.0 279.4 307.8 101.6 76.2 165.1 44.5 304.8 157.18 16.66 1.5 R38 273.1 8 41.1 124.6 145.9 169.5
5 419.1 241.0 12.70 279.4 342.9 387.4 127.0 91.9 203.2 50.8 304.8 190.50 19.84 1.5 R42 323.9 8 47.9 164.7 216.6 259.2
6 482.6 279.0 12.70 342.9 384.0 441.5 152.4 108.0 235.0 57.2 304.8 228.60 19.84 1.5 R47 368.3 8 53.8 243.1 279.5 337.0
8 552.5 340.0 14.27 384.0 463.6 511.0 203.2 127.0 304.8 57.2 304.8 279.40 23.01 1.5 R51 438.2 12 53.8 302.7 376.6 427.4
10 673.1 425.0 17.48 511.0 565.2 612.6 254.0 165.1 374.7 69.9 304.8 342.90 30.18 2.4 R55 539.8 12 66.6 523.7 573.9 622.1
12 762.0 495.0 17.48 565.2 635.0 704.9 304.8 184.2 441.5 76.2 304.8 406.40 33.32 2.4 R60 619.3 12 73.2 666.3 728.7 798.3

How To Order Nozzle Flanges? Parameters to request estimates

  • Nozzle Flange specification (Example ASME B16.5, ASME B16.47 type A, EN 1092-1, JIS, UNI, DIN)
  • Nominal pipe size (NPS)
  • Nozzle Flange rating (or class): flanges’ rating can range from 150 to 2500 for ASME flanges, from 5k to 30k for JIS B2220 flanges and KS1503 flanges; from PN 6 to PN 100 for European and Russian standard flanges (DIN, UNI, EN 1092-1, GOST 12820 / 12821-80); Class 600/3, 1000/3, 1600/3, 2500/3, 4000/3 for SANS/SABS flanges (South African standard for flanges)
  • Pipe schedule for Nozzle flanges.
  • Nozzle Flange facing type (FF; RF, RTJ): according to ASME B16.5, The raised face is the standard facing for flanges (different facings, like RTJ or flat face FF, have to be ordered specifically)
  • Nozzle Flange surface finish (smooth, stock, concentric serrated)
  • Material grades (forged carbon, stainless steel, duplex steel, nickel alloy steels, Non Ferrous Materials as cupronickel, copper, aluminum, and bronze)
  • Nozzle Flange Quantity

Nozzle Flanges Industries and Applications

  • Pumps, Valves, and vessels in manufacturing and food processing.
  • Pipe connections in industrial waterworks.
  • Heat exchangers and heating systems of all sizes.
  • Mining support.
  • Nuclear power systems.
  • Plumbing and mechanical systems.
  • Assemblies in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries.
  • Fire protection systems.

Nozzle Flange Supply and Export Network List of Cities and Countries

Afghanistan Algeria Angola Argentina
Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahrain
Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Bhutan
Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Canada
Chile China Colombia Costa Rica
Croatia Czech Republic Aberdeen Abu Dhabi
Ahmedabad Ahvaz Al Jubail Al Khobar
Algiers Ankara Atyrau Bangkok
Bengaluru Bhopal Bogota Brisbane
Busan Cairo Calgary Caracas
Chandigarh Chennai Chiyoda Coimbatore
Colombo Courbevoie
Denmark Ecuador Egypt Estonia
Finland France Gabon Ghana
Greece Hong Kong Hungary India
Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel
Italy Japan Jordan Dallas
Dammam Doha Dubai Edmonton
Ernakulam Faridabad Geoje-si Gimhae-si
Granada Gurgaon Hanoi Haryana
Ho Chi Minh City Hong Kong Houston Howrah
Hyderabad Indore Istanbul Jakarta
Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Lebanon
Libya Lithuania Malaysia Mexico
Mongolia Morocco Netherlands New Zealand
Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan
Peru Philippines Poland Portugal
Qatar Romania Russia Karachi
Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Kuwait City La Victoria
Lagos Lahore London Los Angeles
Ludhiana Madrid Manama Melbourne
Mexico City Milan Montreal Moscow
Mumbai Muscat Navi Mumbai New Delhi
New York Noida Perth Petaling Jaya
Pimpri-Chinchwad Port-of-Spain Pune Rajkot
Rio de Janeiro Riyadh
Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovakia
South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka
Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand
Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Turkey Ukraine
United Arab Emirates (UAE) United Kingdom (UK) United States (US) Venezuela
Vietnam Yemen Santiago Secunderabad
Seoul Sharjah Singapore Surat
Sydney Tehran Thane Thiruvananthapuram
Toronto Ulsan Vadodara Visakhapatnam
Vung Tau
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